Wilko Blog - What to do in the garden in March
1st Mar - 31st Mar
Spring is on its way, and the longer, brighter days provide the perfect opportunity to get out into the garden. The Lovely people at Wilko have put together a detailed list of jobs to do in the garden to make sure it summer ready. From planting bedding plants and mowing the lawn to growing your own fruit and veg, March is a great time to get started.

We love this easy checklist
March Checklist
Fruit and veg
Dig in compost or green waste into your veg patch
Sow shallot seeds and plant onion sets
Plant broad beans under cloches
Continue chitting and planting early potatoes
Divide autumn-flowering herbs
Sow tomato and courgette seeds inside
Remove rhubarb flowers
Plant fruit shrubs
Protect crops from slugs
Plant summer-flowering bulbs
Sow sweet peas outdoors
Plant bare-rooted shrubs
Prune summer-flowering shrubs
Re-plant plug plants
Lift and divide perennials
If the weather is mild enough, trim and feed the lawn
Lay new turf
Re-pot plants and add liquid feed
Plant indoor salad and herbs
To read the whole article written by Sarah and more top tip visit the Wilko Blog here