Easter Egg Hunt
Just because you are apart from friends & family does not mean you cannot celebrate Easter with an annual Easter Egg hunt with them.

This year’s will of course need to be from the comfort of your own home. Firstly set the time and date and if you’d like to invite friends and family, then organise a video call with them at the chosen time.
Then have the kids (or you!) colour in and decorate our egg templates, found here. No printer, no problem – simply draw the very simple outline for them and have them colour in and decorate it with felt tips, paints, caulk, crayons, biros, cut up and stick on bits of old magazines, leaflets or birthday cards… whatever you have available just have some fun with it.
Do a stock-take of what treats you have available, it doesn’t have to be just Easter eggs or chocolate if you have any other toys or games you could use those as treats too. Then on the back of each decorated egg write on which of the treats it relates to.
On the morning of the Easter Egg hunt hide the decorated eggs in the house and garden if you have one. Give the kids a bowl each and dial into your video call (if others are joining you) move the camera around as they find the eggs and fill their bowl.
Now it’s time to see what they’ve got and enjoy some treats whilst you relax for a short time – enjoy and Happy Easter all.
Download the egg hunt colouring templates