Light Up Maidstone + Hearts of the Town Trail
7th Jan - 28th Feb
This February, One Maidstone BID are bringing back the Maidstone Light Up Festival to Maidstone Town Centre for the second time!
The event, on 7th Febuary, will include a lantern parade, street entertainers and more!
Ahead of the event we invite local schools and community groups to take part in free artistic workshops, to create their own unique lanterns which they showcase during the parade.
This will then be followed on with the Hearts of the Town Trail from 7-28th February. You can journey around the town and try and spot all the Charity Hearts they can be located in shop/businesses windows around town. To make sure you don't miss any check out the map below. However, don't forget to visit The Mall's hear where you can write your Message of Hope and attached to the heart for all to see and read.