Mall Foodbank with Salvation Army
23rd Jun - 31st Dec
The Mall Maidstone will continue to support the Salvation Army's foodbank.
The Mall Maidstone has teamed up with The Salvation Army to open a new food donation bank, located in the shopping centre, to increase donations of essential food and hygiene products for those in need across the town. With the increasing demand for non-perishable food and sanitation products to be donated to The Salvation Army, The Mall Maidstone is inviting local residents and visitors to make a donation. To ensure the safety of staff and visitors is kept in line with COVID-19 restrictions, the foodbank will operate via bookable donation slots.
Non-perishable food can be donated at the Mall's foodbank located by Iceland
Food list:
- Rice Pudding/Custard
- Jam
- Meat (Tinned)
- Fruit Juice (Carton)
- Vegetables (Tinned)
- Fruit (Tinned)
- Milk (UHT)
- Dry Rice
- Soup
- Fish (Tinned)
- Baked Beans (Tinned)
- Tomatoes (Tinned)
- Breakfast cereal
- Dried Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Sugar
- Tea Bags
- Biscuits
- Instant noodles
- Instant Coffee
The foodbank is open on Wednesday’s 10am – 12pm and Friday’s 1:15pm – 3:15pm, and is located at The Salvation Army, 74-80 Union Street, Maidstone, Kent. Donations can also be made in person by contacting 01622 681 808 or
Financial donations can be made via The Salvation Army’s JustGiving page. These donations will be used for purchasing food and toiletries:
To learn more about The Salvation Army’s work in Maidstone, please visit: