Wear a face covering at The Mall
As per the Government’s guidelines, from the 24th July everyone aged 11 and over must wear a face covering when inside the shopping centre unless they have a legitimate reason not to do so, in order to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.

have kindly supplied some free* masks which will be located by the King Street entrance (*while stocks last)
The safety of everyone that visits and works in the shopping centre remains our top priority and as such it is important to remember the other guidelines that are in place:
- Anyone who has Covid-19 symptoms should remain at home and not visit the centre.
- Wash hands regularly for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or hand sanitiser
- Keep a safe distance from other people
- Following any one way systems that are in place
- Pay by contactless when possible
- Be respectful to other shoppers and staff
Check out more face coverings available to purchase around The Mall here.
If you have any concerns please speak to a member of centre staff.
Thank you for your cooperation.